RESP- (Registered Education Savings Plan) 


An RESP is a flexible and convenient way to save for a child's future post-secondary education

  • Investment income generated in an RESP is tax-sheltered as long as it remains in the plan
  • Government grants may be available to qualified Student Beneficiaries to help RESP savings grow
  • When withdrawn, plan growth and government grants can be taxed at the student's tax rate (he or she could pay little or no tax on this money)

For more information regarding RESP's from the Canadian Revenue Agency please click here

If you would like to learn more about RESP's, please complete the form above to book a complimentary consultation. If you are currently too busy to meet during regular business hours, my schedule is flexible and we can arrange a time to meet at your convenience.

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Vikas was able to provide me with options that suited my needs and budget. He has also offered advise that has helped me maximize my insurance policies. Has always been prompt in responding to enqu...

Raju Mohandoss

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